Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ex-Basketball Player by John Updike Essay - 1044 Words

Remember that boy in high school that was the star of the basketball team? He still holds most of the records for the team. He scored more points than anyone else in the school’s history. He never studied much because he was an athlete. His basketball skills were going to take him places. But high school ended and there are no more games to be played. Where is that former all-star now? In his poem â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player,† John Updike examines the life of a former high school basketball star. Flick Webb was a local hero, and he loved basketball. He never studied much in school or learned a trade because he was a talented athlete. Now years later, the only job Flick can find is working at the local gas station. He used to be a star, but now†¦show more content†¦He never had a chance to go very far in life because he put all of his efforts into basketball and he did not focus on his academics. Updike stresses the point of the lowly position Flick holds at the gas station by referring to Flick as Berth’s helper. In the second stanza, Updike uses personification to compare the gas station and basketball. He describes Flick as tall man, which implies he had the physique to be a good basketball player. However in the same line he uses the phrase â€Å"idiot pumps† (7), implying Flick has the physical abilities but not the intelligence to be successful in the real world. The only players Flick competes with now days are the five â€Å"old bubble-head style† (8) gas pumps at the station. The number five is used here to represent the five players on a basketball team. The pumps take on a human form. They are described as having â€Å"rubber elbows hanging loose and low† (9). The letters on the front of the pump form the faces of these make believe players. Updike compares the gas station and basketball to emphasize the change in Flick’s life. Flick used to be a star on the basketball court, but now he works alone. He sees his past in everything around him including the imaginary gas pump players. The third stanza gives a clearer picture of Flick’s past. Flick played for the Wizards. The name is symbolic because it implies the teamShow MoreRelated The Ex Basketball Player by John Updike Essay597 Words   |  3 PagesThe Ex Basketball Player by John Updike A Loss of Motivation In English Seven we read a poem called the Ex Basketball Player by John Updike. The main characters name was Flick Webb. The poem explains how Flick lost motivation. In high school Flick was an excellent basketball player, if not, the best. After high school Flick didnt continue his basketball skills, and he never had tried as hard on his academics as he did on basketball. 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